You and another
survivor wash up on the shore of a deserted island. There are no books, no
smart phones, no other people - nothing but sand and time. Or at least time for
one of you. Your fellow survivor was severely wounded in the accident and death
seems likely. You begin to pray for them when they tell you not to waste your
time; they don't believe in God. As foolish as unbelief is at a time like this,
they are insistent that God doesn't exist. "After all", they ask,
"why are you both on this deserted island?"
What would you say that could help this person see that there is a God?
Tonight's class focuses on some potential answers that might help us when we're faced with that question.
Class Material
Recording (1:25:33; 78.3 MB)
Notes (PDF)
Martian" movie trailer (Moral Arguments from Hollywood?)
Great site discussing classical arguments for God's existence. Author unknown.
Flew, Antony, and Roy Abraham Varghese. There Is a God:
How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. New York: HarperOne,
2007. Print.
Nash, Ronald H. Faith & Reason: Searching for a Rational
Faith. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Academie, 1988. Print.
Geisler, Norman L., and Frank Turek. I Don't Have Enough
Faith to Be an Atheist. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 2004. Print.
Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity: A Revised and Enlarged
Edition, with a New Introduction, of the Three Books, the Case for
Christianity, Christian Behaviour, and Beyond Personality. Macmillan
Paperbacks ed. New York: Macmillan Pub., 1960. Print.
Little, Paul E. Know What You Believe. Wheaton, Ill.:
Scripture Publications, 1970. Print.