Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Week 05: Did This Jesus Really Exist?

Jesus asks, “Who do people say I am? Who do you say I am?”

Ever since the Enlightenment, the answer seems to be “I’m not sure". Since then, the quest for the historical Jesus began and continues on today with “The Jesus Seminar”, Gerd Ludemann, and others.

Tonight’s class will focus on answering a couple challenges to the historical Jesus:
  • Why didn’t anyone else write about him?
  • You cannot use the Bible as a source because…

Recording (1:15:24; 69.0 MB)

Notes (PDF)

Additional Resources

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 04: Why is There Evil?

This week we'll be looking at how we might respond to the problem of evil and suffering.

One does not have to search hard to find evil in our world or the great lengths taken to avoid suffering. We have wrestled with it ever since the fall of man. And whenever it rings out, there comes a chorus of questions:

• Why is there evil?
• Why would a good and loving God allow evil to exist?
• Why does suffering come to those who follow hard after him?
• Is God just? Fair? Can He be trusted?

For Christians, these questions present a serious challenge but we will find they need not be insurmountable.

Recording (1:22:56; 75.9 MB)

Notes (PDF)

Links on Suffering